Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Poems : dr. Jasbir Kaur


My dear!
king is not to be blamed
The King is astute
and you are aware that
the meaning of justice...
is neither your truth
nor mine
It's the baton of the King
and the right to use it.

My dear!
Queen is not to be blamed
The queen is blindfolded
with a scale in hand
An object for the King
but... Queen for the public.
a statue of the soil
you can well understand
how far she can go...
tied to support system
Yes... her fingers can exert
to wield a baton...
at any time...
on the wish of the King...

My dear!
Qaazi is not to be blamed
Qaazi is a cross...
clearly a bridge between the world and the ward
you must be aware
that double character...
has dual religion...
and also the family obligations...
Qaazi is a pawn on the chequer
and the hand playing the game too...
On his moves you will
not only get agitated
will become pray as well.

My dear !
Time is not to be blamed
time is like a snake
it scares when it arrives
and while leaving...
leaves only a trail
you must be feeling
snake and the trail- are inerasable 
from the map of our minds
and we are drained again
from the their body like sand
claiming to have the nerves of steel...

My dear !
Society is not to be blamed
Society is a custom
and custom is a blind faith
you must have known by now
the dilemma of the herd
while in the herd
it's in the quest of breaking free from it
and the herd, travels unto the butchery
under the eye of the butcher
from fodder to honour...
from honour with fodder...

My dear!
Land is not to be blamed
she is selfless
habitual of being trampled
habitual of rearing and sharing
her own self...
You must have seen
her voyage...
with her conclusion
the voyage of the land…
can start from anywhere
to mould it in any shape
and can end anywhere
for someone's need…

My dear !
Ranjha is to be blamed
Ranjha is crazy
he forgot, perhaps…
that to wed the Heer
fortune is needed, not love
status in the clan is important…
Heer is insignificant 
she would have loved 
any Ranjha-'the spouse'
she was only trapped-
in Kheras and patriarchy-
had Ranjha, the shepherd, not existed 
Heer would have cherished
living in the palace of kheras…
peacefully chained to opulent bed.

My Dear !
Heer is responsible
Heer can't be fun
but only pride and vanity…
Tell her –
not to fall for a shepherd
and not to bestow alms & charms
'Honourable' girls do not fall in love…
and then courting this game…
they are better…
chained like an elephant
on the doors of the kin( ? ? ?)
a mark of their pride…
Tell her -
not to jump from walls of castle
boundary of castle expands
and the one 
who dare to fall from the lofty walls
is not brave
At first- he becomes rebel
a hero...
and then a handicapped 
Who doesn't have poison
and not even the grave…
But only a hospital ward
a cell in the jail…
Company of the parasites…
sinking in the well of loneliness…

My dear !
Don't blame anyone 
No one will heed-
to the echoes of your logic
before the ire …
and for the echoes of ire
they'll, prove you an idiot…

My Dear !
blame it on your own
to save you from numbness…
Blame it on me
to keep me awake as well…

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