Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Five poems by : Loveen Kaur Gill

1.      I am your voice!

You constructed my silhouette,
acquainted me to the world,
I am the “society” that you constructed,
I am your face, and your height.

It matters not that our house is in the West,
the new tongue is not of your mother’s,
you enunciate the words imperfectly,
I am your perfection, to speak it right.

Unlike those who died in the womb,
You brought me proudly to the globe,
The rituals you conducted as I born,
I am your pride that stands bright.

You, then showed me the way,
Paved my paths,
And now that your eyes have blurred,
Mom, I am your eyes and your sight!

I am the value that you valued,
Mother’s day for me is every day,
I am your reflection,
And I hold it tight!

Mom, I am your ears and your sight!

2- I am not grass,

To get pulled off like weed,
To be used for luxury,
To be crushed and bleed,
To decorate your lawn,
To feed your greed.

I am a river,
I flow with grace,
I carry your seed,
to hill’s face.
My lover is the sea,
 Mountain is my birthplace.

I water you,
Even your surroundings,
I cling to your life tirelessly.
Yet you abuse me mercilessly!

I am not grass,
I am your creator,
Your maker,
You are because I am.
I am not grass,
I am a woman!
A creator!

3. The foot 

The foot,
That walked from land now named Pakistan.

At tender age of 3,
When masses had to flee,
in human history of some millions.

Raised himself motherless,
Schooled himself aidless,
Worked almost every job of possibility,
 Married his love of life on own amiability.

 Had children,
Offered which was not in his attainability.
The foot is of a self-contained,
Not a minister’s, nor of a famed,
But of my creator.

Inspiring me to rise every time I fall,
Against the Influence peddling brick wall.

Hence, I pave my own way,
Like a queen of the may,
 Without the inherited crutch,
That of the royals,
And logrolling loyals!

4. Strength

Your strength is inherited,
Mine is earned,
You walk with crutches,
I fly with my own wings!
Your walk is directed,
My flights are challenged,
Your roads are plotted
I map my trails,
The triumph may run to you first,
Just because it knows your fathers,
it comes to you,
But, I come to it...
I eventually possess it,
Because I am determined to hold it-
Loveen Kaur Gill

5. The Me
I am a self-crowned queen,
Weaver of my own nest,
Administrator of home,
Janitor of my courtyard,
Lover of the moon,
Daughter of the sea,
Humble to the humble,
Rebel to the unjust,
Disciple of the oneness,
Dynamic like a river,
Proud like a flying bird,
Intriguing like jelly-fish,
Inquisitive like a squirrel,
Strong like “a woman”
Stubborn like a child,
Mischievous like human”,
Learner of the universe,
On a journey to self-curiosity,
In search of myself,
Miles to go…….

Loveen Kaur Gill

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